May 2024 | Academia C Kivlahan, M AlSharif, I Elliott, A G Pereira, Z Hallak, R Yonso, A Odaimi, N AlHafez, M Aswad. Long-term physical and psychological symptoms in Syrian men subjected to detention, conflict-related sexual violence and torture: cohort study of self-reported symptom evolution
October 2023 | Academia W Hladik, P N Muniina, I Familiar, P Kaiser, M Ogwal, D Serwadda, E Sand, H Kiyingi, C S Bahinduka, C Dolan. Sexual and nonsexual violence and mental health among male refugees from the DRC residing in Kampala, Uganda: a population-based survey. Medicine, Conflict and Survival.
September 2023 | Country report Enhancing Survivor-Centred Healthcare for Male Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Colombia Español
August 2023 | Submission Submission to the United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee in Advance of the Review of Colombia
December 2022 | Academia Y Nesterko, K H Schönenberg & H Glaesmer. Mental health of recently arrived male refugees in Germany reporting sexual violence. Medicine, Conflict and Survival.
August 2022 | Academia J Corboz J, L Pasquero, C Lata Hogg, A Rasheed. Enhancing a Survivor-centred Approach to Healthcare Provision in Afghanistan: Understanding and Addressing the Barriers faced by Male victims/survivors of Sexual Violence. Child Abuse & Neglect.
January 2022 | Briefing Conflict-related sexual violence: New Dangers Facing Men and Boys in Afghanistan
May 2021 | Submission Joint Submission by the International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School, the Syrian Network for Human Rights and ASP to the UN Human Rights Committee on Turkey, 132nd Session
March 2021 | Country report Enhancing Survivor-Centred Healthcare Response for Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence in Afghanistan