January 2020 | Submission Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee on Sri Lanka, 128th Session, 2 -27 March 2020
December 2019 | Lista de chequeo de prevención y abordaje de la violencia sexual contra hombres y niños relacionada con los conflictos
December 2019 | Prévenir et combattre la violence sexuelle à l’égard des hommes et des garçons liée aux conflits : Liste de contrôle
December 2019 | Thematic report Checklist on preventing and addressing conflict-related sexual violence against men and boys Español Français لعربية ا
February 2019 | Academia R Grey. Seen and unseen: sexual and gender-based crimes in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal’s Case 002/02 judgment. Australian Journal of Human Rights.
May 2017 | Country report Legacies and Lessons: Sexual Violence against Men and Boys in Sri Lanka and Bosnia & Herzegovina
March 2017 | Submission Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee on Bosnia and Herzegovina, 119th Session, 6 – 29 March 2017
February 2014 | Academia V Oosterveld. Sexual Violence Directed against Men and Boys in Armed Conflict or Mass Atrocity: Addressing a Gendered Harm in International Criminal Tribunals. Law Publications.