June 2020 | Briefing Briefing in advance of the UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict
December 2019 | Lista de chequeo de prevención y abordaje de la violencia sexual contra hombres y niños relacionada con los conflictos
December 2019 | Prévenir et combattre la violence sexuelle à l’égard des hommes et des garçons liée aux conflits : Liste de contrôle
December 2019 | Thematic report Checklist on preventing and addressing conflict-related sexual violence against men and boys Español Français لعربية ا
July 2019 | Briefing Briefing in advance of the UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict, 2 August 2019
February 2019 | Academia R Akhtar. The Neglected Boys of War: Trapped in a Vicious Cycle of Slavery and Sexual Abuse. Journal of Trafficking And Human Exploitation.
January 2019 | Academia O Aijazi, E Amony, E Baines. We Were Controlled, We Were Not Allowed to Express Our Sexuality, Our Intimacy Was Suppressed’: Sexual Violence Experienced by Boys. In: M Drumbl and J Barrett, (Eds.) Research Handbook on Child Soldiers. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
December 2018 | Statement Outcome Statement from the International Workshop on “Building Knowledge to Improve Existing Service Responses for All Survivors”