December 2019 | Lista de chequeo de prevención y abordaje de la violencia sexual contra hombres y niños relacionada con los conflictos
December 2019 | Prévenir et combattre la violence sexuelle à l’égard des hommes et des garçons liée aux conflits : Liste de contrôle
December 2019 | Thematic report Checklist on preventing and addressing conflict-related sexual violence against men and boys Español Français لعربية ا
October 2019 | I/NGO Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), “We Have a Broken Heart”: Sexual Violence against Refugees in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya
July 2019 | Academia J Hagen. Counting Male Victims, Recognizing Women Rapists and Revisiting Assumptions about Conflict-Related Sexual Violence. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding.
July 2019 | Briefing Briefing in advance of the UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict, 2 August 2019
June 2019 | Una resolución de la ONU reconoce a las víctimas ocultas de la violencia sexual en los conflictos: los hombres y los niños varones
June 2019 | Op-ed “UN resolution acknowledges hidden victims of sexual violence in conflict—men and boys”, Open Global Rights Español