Rape and other forms of sexual violence occurs in most contemporary armed conflicts. While disproportionately affecting women and girls, CRSV involving men and boys has been documented in over 25 different situations of armed conflict in recent decades. CRSV specifically targeting people with diverse SOGIESC has also occurred, but remains significantly unreported.
Victims/survivors of CRSV can experience profound physical and mental health consequences, as well social and economic harms. The consequences differ according to sex, gender, age and other variables, including an individual’s SOGIESC. Timely access to quality, survivor-centred medical care and other essential support is also impacted by many factors, and structural discrimination against people with diverse SOGIESC, including discriminatory laws that criminalise consensual same-sex conduct, and/or diverse gender identities and expressions can contribute to negative attitudes towards male victims/survivors including those with diverse SOGIESC. Access to justice remains constrained for the vast majority of CRSV victims/survivors, with men and boys often facing specific gender-related legal and procedural barriers to realising their right to justice.
All Survivors Project (ASP) seeks to complement and reinforce existing work on CRSV against women and girls, recognising the disproportionate impact of CRSV on them and the way in which gendered inequalities, institutions and identities drive this form of violence. Our work on men and boys including those with diverse SOGIESC is aimed at enlarging the scope of research, analysis, action and responses to prevent and support victims/survivors to include those who are not always easily identified or supported within existing research and action on CRSV.
Independent and impartial
ASP undertakes long-term, in-depth work on selected conflict-affected countries. Working with victims/survivors and in partnership with national and international actors on the ground, we conduct research, advocacy, training and other forms of capacity building to strengthen national responses to CRSV against men and boys and to inform international action.
This project is not only an idea whose time has come but also an idea whose time is long overdue in coming. At the centre of leaving no child left behind should also be the conscious effort to address sexual violence against boys.
My experience in Bosnia and other conflict situations shows that gender based violence against men and boys is even more of a taboo than against women and girls. This seems to be the main reason why there is not enough data available in this respect.
I have no doubt that sexual violence and abuse against males is one of the most neglected, under-researched and often misunderstood issues. This project fills a gaping need.
Sexual violence is a scourge that must be combatted regardless of gender. This long overdue project seeks to ensure that boys and men are not left out.
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All Survivors Project