December 2020 | Briefing Briefing on Conflict-related Sexual Violence against Men and Boys to Colombia’s Truth, Coexistence, and Non-Repetition Commission Español
December 2020 | Informe sobre la violencia sexual contra hombres y niños relacionada con los conflictos, elaborado para la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición de Colombia
October 2020 | I/NGO Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), Sexual Violence against Men and Boys in Conflict and Displacement: Findings from a Qualitative Study in Bangladesh, Italy, and Kenya
October 2020 | Thematic report Preventing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Detention Settings: Principles and Commentary لعربية ا
October 2020 | Webinar Launch of the Principles on the Prevention of Conflict-related Sexual Violence in Detention Settings
October 2020 | Academia SK Chynoweth, D Buscher, S Martin, AB Zwi. Characteristics and Impacts of Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys in Conflict. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
September 2020 | Academia H Touquet, S Chynoweth, S Martin, C Reis, H Myrttinen, P Schulz, L Turner, D Duriesmith. From ‘It Rarely Happens’ to ‘It’s Worse for Men’ Dispelling Misconceptions about Sexual Violence against Men and Boys in Conflict and Displacement. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.