Valeria joined All Survivors Project in September 2023 as a Research Assistant on Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (CAAFAG) in Colombia. In January, she began a new role as Project Coordinator and works across all Colombia projects.
Valeria is a Political Scientist with a focus on Conflict Resolution and Research for Peace. She is studying for her Masters in Conflict, Memory and Peace and has with experience working in Humanitarian Action, mainly in Child Protection in emergencies such as armed conflict and mixed migration flows; protection mainstreaming; localisation and with a special interest on gender-focused research and its programmatic application.
Valeria has conducted research on armed conflict in Colombia, mainly in follow-up to the Peace Agreement between the Colombian State and the extinct guerrilla Las FARC EP; reparation processes with a differential approach in vulnerable populations as people with disabilities; and more recently in issues related to CAAFAG and on Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV).