December 2019 | Academia J N Clark. The Vulnerability of the Penis: Sexual Violence against Men in Conflict and Security Frames. Men and Masculinities.
October 2019 | I/NGO Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), “We Have a Broken Heart”: Sexual Violence against Refugees in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya
July 2019 | Academia J Hagen. Counting Male Victims, Recognizing Women Rapists and Revisiting Assumptions about Conflict-Related Sexual Violence. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding.
July 2019 | Briefing Briefing in advance of the UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict, 2 August 2019
June 2019 | Una resolución de la ONU reconoce a las víctimas ocultas de la violencia sexual en los conflictos: los hombres y los niños varones
June 2019 | Op-ed “UN resolution acknowledges hidden victims of sexual violence in conflict—men and boys”, Open Global Rights Español
June 2019 | Academia S Chynoweth, S Martin. Ethics and Accountability in Researching Sexual Violence against Men and Boys. Forced Migration Review.
April 2019 | Commentary Analysis of the UN Security Council Open Debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict and Resolution 2467, 8514th Meeting
Analysis of the UN Security Council Open Debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict and Resolution 2467, 8514th Meeting